Supporting the Rebuild of Australia’s Latin Dance Industry
In 2020, the SSMC will be running under a completely different scheme in support of the Latin Dance Industry.
Become a revenue partner
If you own a Latin Dance School, are a DJ or Promoter in the Latin Industry, the SSMC welcomes you to join an initiative like never before. With the aim to support and relief Australia’s Latin Dance Industry, we’ll share our sales by giving you a commission of $70 for each pass sold by you. Yes, you read it right!
Register your group on the form below and collect payment of the full price of the event pass directly from the members of your group.
You’ll be invoiced for the names provided on the form. The invoice amount will reflect the price at the time of purchase minus $70 per pass (see tickets page for prices)
You and your group will receive your tickets via email upon payment of the invoice
You register a group of 10 people sometime in August, when tickets are being sold at $140 each.
You collect $140 from each of your 10 group members, a total of $1,400.
SSMC will invoice you for $700 total, $70 for each of the 10 group members (Full price of $140 minus $70 commission, which you’ll keep).
Upon payment of the invoice, SSMC will send the tickets out to you and your group members via email.
You keep $700 for yourself, and SSMC keeps $700. It’s a win-win!